viernes, 16 de abril de 2010

Former USBG Nevada Chapter, General Secretary: Ignacio De Notta. 2008-2010.

On April 14, 2010, The USBG Nevada Chapter got new officers for its chapter, so this means that now I am a former officer!!.

I served for a period over two years doing the best I could help the members of the Nevada chapter, I learned a lot and enjoyed every aspect of it, but time came and life keeps on.

I am glad and proud of being a member of the USBG, the same way Pichin Policastro showed to me!, so Thanks Pichin!!....

Today we have a new great cabinet officers like Armando R, as President and Raymond Williams aka Ray-Ray as General Secretary!!!, so lets thanks God for this blessings.

Still being a member with a lot of Pride as soldier as well.

Thanks to all of you,

So long,

Ignacio De Notta.
Professional Bartender.
Las Vegas, Nevada; USA.

Former USBG Nevada Chapter
General Secretary.

Bartenders Local 165, Las Vegas, NV.

AMBA Member N' 1651.

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